%0 Journal Article %T Biological Properties of Escherichia coli. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Colibacillosis %A Apti Emranovich Gaitaev %A Ayzan Khoonker-Pashaevna Kiskaeva %A Dzhamal Alievich Mutalimov %A Djabrail Kharunovich Abdulkarimov %A Asiyat Pilalovna Korkmazova %A Alsu Rasulovna Bekishieva %J Entomology and Applied Science Letters %@ 2349-2864 %D 2023 %V 10 %N 1 %R 10.51847/KdXtbPD3WD %P 112-118 %X Escherichia coli is a short, polymorphic, gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium whose non-pathogenic strains are present in the normal intestinal flora. Escherichia is stable in the external environment and can remain viable in soil, water, and feces for up to several months. E. coli produces a variety of enzymes that decompose many carbohydrates and polyhydric alcohols (glucose, galactose, levulose, lactose, maltose, lures, rhamnose, intermittent sucrose, and dulcite, raffinose, salicin, sorbitol, glycerin) with the formation of pyruvates, which then turn into milk, acetic and formic acids. The biochemical properties of E. coli have been studied by many researchers from different countries, but no correlation has been established between their enzymatic activity and pathogenic properties. Colibacillosis is an acute, predominantly intestinal infection caused by certain serovars of the bacterium E. coli. The route of transmission of E. coli is fecal-oral. This article describes in detail the morphological, tinctorial, cultural, and biochemical properties of E. coli, as well as their antigenic structure. In addition, the symptomatology and diagnosis of the course of colibacillosis caused by various groups of E. coli are described. %U https://easletters.com/article/biological-properties-of-escherichia-coli-symptoms-and-diagnosis-of-colibacillosis-tap4s1gpagkgqhq