%0 Journal Article %T Development of a Method for Studying the Structural Organization of Bone Tissue Using Computed Tomography %A Kamila Hamitovna Dzhatdoeva %A Rustam Salimovich Adzhiev %A Madina Umarovna Bidzhieva %A Harun Muratovich Tsoraev %A Rostislav Valerievich Klishchenko %A Yulia Alexandrovna Petinova %J Entomology and Applied Science Letters %@ 2349-2864 %D 2023 %V 10 %N 2 %R 10.51847/uoTObx18IP %P 19-24 %X This scientific work describes a new way of analyzing the organization of bone tissue using computed tomography(CT). The information obtained as a result of such a study can be used to diagnose bone diseases, as well as in research in the field of biology and medicine. The common lizard was chosen as a test subject, and the bones of the proximal tail vertebrae were selected as samples for the study of the structural organization of bone tissue. The samples must be clean and in good condition so that the data obtained are reliable. In this study, a laboratory micro tomograph was utilized. In this study, we investigated both the spatial distribution of the X-ray absorption coefficients and the distribution of the elemental compositions within the bone tissue which have been largely unstudied so far. The absorption densities of these vertebrae have been found to vary greatly depending on the experimental conditions and pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. Areas of increased density located closer to the central canal of the vertebra were identified. %U https://easletters.com/article/development-of-a-method-for-studying-the-structural-organization-of-bone-tissue-using-computed-tomog-pikid9mazx6viau