%0 Journal Article %T The Relationship between the Population of Ixodid Ticks and Climate Change in Stavropol Region %A Robert Gurgenovich Zakinyan %A Galina Khamzatovna Badakhova %A Maria Sergeevna Lopteva %A Natalya Anatolyevna Koshkina %A Vasiliy Petrovich Tolokonnikov %A Sergey Nikolaevich Povetkin %J Entomology and Applied Science Letters %@ 2349-2864 %D 2023 %V 10 %N 1 %R 10.51847/P1wGJHRvQE %P 106-111 %X One of the main factors hindering the development and causing damage to animal husbandry is the parasitism of animals of ixodid ticks - carriers of pathogens of blood parasitic diseases. In the course of this scientific work, a study was made of the influence of changes in climatic conditions on the species composition of ixoid ticks. In the course of the work, for the meteorological station in Kislovodsk, the average winter temperature was calculated, as the average winter wind speed, and the variability, and trend of the Bodman index, characterizing the severity of the climate. The distribution of ixodid tick species largely depends on climatic zones. On the territory of the Stavropol region, parasitism of 16 species of ixodid ticks belonging to 6 genera was established. Monitoring of ixodid ticks on the territory of the Stavropol region since 1999 has shown a trend toward an increase in the species composition of ixodid. During the period of climate warming in the territory of the region, there is a weakening of the severity of bioclimatic conditions, especially in winter, which entails the spread and increase in the number of biotopes of ixodid ticks. %U https://easletters.com/article/the-relationship-between-the-population-of-ixodid-ticks-and-climate-change-in-stavropol-region-tafgrqjinfzp58v