Sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps Put.) (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) is the most important harmful insect of wheat in Turkey. Within the Gramineae family, Sunn pest feeds and makes damage especially in different phenological periods of wheat. It has been indicated that natural enemies have a great effect on the factors suppressing the sunn pest. The most important ones of these natural enemies are the species included in the Scelione family of Hymenoptera. There exist site-specific secondary species apart from the common species suppressing the sunn pest populations. Their spreading and availability rates are relatively lower, but they are important in some regions and years. At the results of some studies, it has been seen that Gryon monspelensis (Picard) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is occasionally effective on the eggs of sunn pest in some regions of Gaziantep Province. The effects of application dosages of today’s most commonly used 4 insecticides (Alpha-cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, Lambda-cyhalothrin, and Dimethoate) on G. monspelensis, egg parasitoids were investigated in this study. According to the obtained data, In the dry film method; it was determined that 100 % of the parasitoids were died in the first 24 hours in the counting carried out on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 14th days after insecticides application; however, in the controls 89% of the adult parasitoids were alive. In the statistical analysis, it was determined that the effects of insecticides in different times after application were not changed according to the survival rate, in other words, the interaction of insecticide x time was not statistically significant. It was determined that insecticides application affected the survival rates of the adults (P=0.00), and while controls took place in the first group, all applied insecticides were determined to be in another group in the statistical grouping. In the Dipping method; the effects of insecticides were determined as Lambda-cyhalothrin 100%, Alphacypermethrin 95, Deltamethrin 93 and Dimethoate 35, respectively. It was determined that dimethoate was present in a group while other insecticides Alphacypermethrin, Deltamethrin, and Deltamethrin were found in another group.
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