Eri-silkworm Samia ricini (Donovan) is multivoltine and polyphagous in nature feeding on a number of host plants. Performance of a high yielding eri silkworm breed C2 developed by Central silk Board, CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh was studied in different food plants viz., Castor, Ricinus communis, Kesseru, Heteropanax fragrans (Roxb.) Seem; Borpat, Ailanthus grandis Prain; Borkesseru, Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. Castor is the primary food plant of eri silkworm. Kesseru ranks second among all the food plant of eri silkworm and utilized as ruling perennial food plant. Other perennial two food plants viz., Borpat, Ailanthus grandis Prain; Borkesseru, Ailanthus excelsa Roxb are rarely used but potential eri food plants. During the study all food plants showed positive economic character in rearing performance.
Keywords: Eri silkworm, food plant, Rearing performance, C2 breed.
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