The vertical stratification of beetles (Coleoptera) in native elm forest in the Komarovka River valley (Primorsky Krai) was studied for the first time. The highest number of species was observed in the shrub stratum. Migration of beetles from the crown and the ground strata to the shrub stratum increases its taxonomic diversity. The trophic group plays a crucial role in vertical stratification of beetles. It was found by analyzing the features of vertical stratification of beetles in native elm forest that beetle species with a broader trophic spectrum (phytophages assemblages) are observed as one proceeds from the ground stratum to the upper canopy stratum, which is associated with the diversity of the vegetation. Furthermore, the abundance of phytopages rises, while that of zoophages, coprophages, and necrophages decreases. Thus, the proportion of phytophages in the ground and crown strata is 11.8% and 77.3%; the ratio between zoophages and necrophages is 52.9 and 32.4% in the ground stratum and 9.1 and 4.5% in the crown stratum, respectively.
Keywords: Coleoptera - Diversity - Trophic groups - Elm - Valley forests - Primorsky Krai
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