The algorithm for estimating energy balance in the body as a criterion for the optimality of animals feeding has been developed and tested in the conditions of a modern complex of large-group, non-tethered keeping of highly productive dairy cattle and its free access to the feed table in accordance with accepted feeding standards. Its essence lies in the fact that, based on the results of using a full-feed mix, the intake of net energy of lactation with the feed mixture was calculated by the formula: NElact1 = NEyield + NEmaint1, where NElact1 – net energy of lactation received with the consumed food, MJ; NEyield - energy value of daily milk yield in net energy, MJ; NEmaint1 - net energy of maintenance received with the consumed food. In parallel with this, the need of dairy cattle in net energy of lactation was determined by the formula NElact2 = NEmaint2 + NEyield, where NEmaint2 = 0,4 × W0.75. The ratio NElact1 / NElact2 equal to one corresponds to a zero balance, less than one to a negative balance, and more than one to a positive balance. The difference between NElact1 and NElact2 reflects the value of the balance in +/- NEMJ.
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