In the current study, the Biorational Botanical Extracts on the Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria Forskal (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were assessed. The most effective plant extract (with) was Azadirachta indica. The recoded LC50 value was 1.39x102 and 25.13 mg/ml (for normal hexane and methylene chloride solvents, respectively). Nymph's duration was prolonged about 7 days with formulated A. indica and Citrullus colocynthis. Also nymphs suffered from weight loss and died before reaching the 5th instar. A sub-lethal dose of A. indica (LC10) led to detachment of the hypodermis or displacement of the basement membrane of the cuticle. Increased dose (LC25) led to complete dissolution of the hypodermal walls. A. indica extract (LC10) also caused enlargement of the mid-gut epithelium and rupture of some cells within. These effects were manifested after 28 days’ post treatment. A higher dose (LC25) led to destruction of the brush border and after 28 days, led to dissolution of the cytoplasm and appearance of vacuoles. C. colocynth extract (LC10) caused detachment of the nidii; after 28 days, nuclei lost their appearance and a higher dose (LC25) led to compete dissolution of the nuclei.
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