Annotation: The fauna of Ciscaucasia was formed under the influence of the special geographic position of the region on the border of Europe, Asia and the long evolution of groups of animals, during which the habitat conditions changed: climate, relief, and degree of human impact. Singles out several time intervals in the development of the animal world of this territory in the second millennium.
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Rebrov A.F. About winter in the steppes of the Stavropol province / / Agriculture and sheep breeding. - 1850. - №3.
Rovinsky A. Economic description of the Astrakhan and Caucasian lips. on their civil and natural condition. - S.-Pb., 1809.
Directory of quarantine and other dangerous pests, diseases and weeds. - Moscow: Kolos, 1970. - 240 p.
Tertyshnikov MF, Likhovid AA, Gorovaya VI, Kharchenko LN Vertebrate animals of Stavropol. - Stavropol: Stavropol Service, 2002. - 224 p.
Trofimova L.M. Ways of forming the fauna of the Egorlyk reservoir // Natural resources of the North Caucasus. - Stavropol, 1972. - P. 24-26.
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Khokhlov A.N. Fauna of Stavropol. - Stavropol: Stavropolservisshkola, 2000. - 200 p.
Khokhlov A.N., Ilyukh M.P. Vertebrate animals of Stavropol and their protection. - Stavropol: SSU, 1997. - 103 p.
Encyclopaedic dictionary of the Stavropol Territory. - Stavropol, 2006. - 458 p.
Pushkin S.V. Zooraznoobraznye. Moscow: Direct-Media.- 2015. - 105 p.