Creative Commons License 2020 Volume 7 Issue 1

Individual-Typological Variability of Structures of the Craniofacial Area in People with Various Constitutions

Sergey O. Ivanyuta, Yuri S. Harutyunyan, Tatyana A. Kondratyeva, Dmitry A. Domenyuk, Sergey V. Dmitrienko, Sergey V. Pushkin

Based on the data obtained through panoramic roentgenograms, cone beam computed tomograms from 297 people featuring various somatotypes, orthognathic bite, and no sign of dentoalveolar pathology, we identified the morphometric parameters for the temporal bone mandibular (articular) fossa, and for the lower jaw head, followed with a calculation of index values and the temporomandibular joint temporal congruent index. Depending on the linear and index values of the articular fossa, the patients were diagnosed with a brachio-, mesial temporal and Dolichos temporal type of the temporomandibular joint. The articular fossa index value (48.59 ± 1.82%) of the mesotemporal type indicates a double prevalence of the anterior-posterior parameter over the vertical one; a decrease in the index down to 35.29 ± 1.74% for the brachial temporal type means a more significant reduction in the articular fossa vertical size (“long” and “low”); an increase in the index up to 56.65 ± 2.12% of the dolichol temporal type points at an increase in the articular fossa vertical parameters (“short” and “high”). Regardless of the articular fossa type, in case of the orthognathic bite, the lower jaw head has been proven to occupy no more than 56.33% of the temporomandibular joint volume, evidence to that being the congruency index value. Analysis of constitutional types suggests the predominance of patients with the asthenic type of physique (56.6 ± 4.3%) over those with a normosthenic (27.3% + 2.9%) and hypersthenic ones (16.1 ± 2.3%). Further study of the issues related to the temporomandibular joint individual variability in people with different types of body constitution will allow customizing the approach to therapy & prevention measures, as well as it would make help predict the treatment outcomes for patients with muscle & joint dysfunction.


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Shkarin V.V., Ivanov S.Yu., Dmitrienko S.V., Domenyuk D.A., Lepilin A.V., Domenyuk S.D. Morphological specifics of craniofacial com-plex in people with varioustypes of facial skeleton growth in case of transversal occlu-sion anomalie // Archiv EuroMedica. 2019. Vol. 9; 2: 5-16.

Shkarin V.V., Grinin V.M., Khalfin R.A., Dmitrienko S.V., Domenyuk D.A. Specific fea-tures of joint space in patients with physio-logical occlusion on computed tomogram head image // Archiv EuroMedica. 2019. Vol. 9; 2: 182-183.

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