Background: Reduction mammoplasty is getting common in plastic surgery, and in preoperative marking process, the accuracy of the surgery and the satisfaction of patients are of the most debating subjects. For this issue, the current study investigated the use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD CAM) to assess changes in marking process and projection of breasts following vertical reduction mammoplasty.
Methods: Reduction mammoplasty could encounter many difficulties as misunderstanding between surgeon and patients about the dimensional perception and dissatisfaction of the patients after the surgery. CAD CAM was used in this study to offer a solution for predicting breast volume, shape, size and preparing a 3D template for patients to try. The marking criteria were evaluated on 16 patients using two methods; A) classic and B) use of CAD CAM technology for compatibility of these methods’ results with each other, and their effects on the rate of the patients’ satisfaction.
Results: Classic marking techniques require much more time for the process. However, CAD CAM could decrease the time period of marking to 9.1 minutes less than the classic process. Marking criteria were assessed by these two methods, and did not show any significant differences (compatibility approved) before and after the reduction mammoplasty. Projection level was evaluated using CAD CAM. It is noteworthy, 3D template and involvement of the patients led to 100% satisfaction of the patients (8.8 of 10).
Conclusion: Because of many beneficial uses of new 3D technologies in the field of cosmetic plastic surgeries, CAD CAM is a promising tool for attaining patients’ ideal results and saving surgeons’ time.
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