The flora of the Takoucht forest is rich and diverse. Of the 164 inventoried species, 115 genera belong to 23 botanical families. The Asteraceae (31 species), Fabaceae (22), Poaceae (21), Lamiaceae (20) and Brassicaceae (20) are the best represented families with more than 20 species each. The rate of endemism in 15.85% (26 species) is about 21% of endemic species of Algeria. The number of rare and very rare species has been estimated at 69 taxa, i.e. a rate of 42.07% compared to the flora of the massif. The global chorological spectrum shows a dominance of Mediterranean strain species (76 species). There are also other northern chorological elements such as European (05 species), Euro-Asian (11 species), paleo-temperate (07 species), circum-boreal (2 species), and oro-European (1 species). Other species in the massif correspond to transitional elements between the Mediterranean choral ensemble and neighboring ones such as the Euro-Mediterranean (18 species), the Atlantic (05 species), the Irano-Turanian Mediterranean (1 species), and the Macaronesian-Mediterranean (1 species). There were 42 medicinal plants belonging to 17 families on the basis of 103 field questionnaires showing the use of the medicinal plants. Endemic and rare species have also been inventoried: Sedum acre subsp. Neglectum (Ten) Archang, Doronicumatlanticum (Chabert) Rouy, Veronica roseaDesf, Helianthemumhirtumsubsp. ruficomum (Viv) M, Astragalusarmatussubsp. tragacanthoides (Desf) Mayor., Hedysarumnaudinianum L. (Coss), CentaureainvolucrataDesf., C. parvifloraDesf, C. pungensPomel, Pulicariaarabicasubsp. inuloides (DC) M., ErinaceapungensBoiss, Hydesarumspinosissimumsubsp. spinosissimumBriq, RupicapnosnumidicusPomel, Androsace maxima L., Rhamnusalaternus subsp. myrtifolia (Willd) M., PituranthusscopariusBenth and Hook, SolenanthuslanatusDC., EbenuspinnataL., Senecioleucanthemifoliussubsp. M. poiretianus, DanaaverticillataJanchen, Myosotis collinaHoffm, Ranunculus millefoliatusVahl, Saxifragaveronisifolia Pers., Drabahispanica subsp. djurdjurae var. cladotricha Mayor, LamiumlongiflorumTen., Phlomisherba venti L., Smyrniumperfoliatum L., Cotoneaster racemiflora (Desf.) Koch. Viola munbyanaBoiss.andReut., Himanthoglossumhircinum (L.) Spreng., OphrysnumidaDevillers-Terschuren and P. Devillers, Ophrysbattandieri E. G. Camus.
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