A laboratory based bioassay has been conducted to evaluate the mosquito repellency and oviposition deterrence of Laggera aurita medicinal plant. Acetones extract of the whole plant of Laggera aurita was used for repellent and oviposition deterrent activity against mosquito vector Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae). The concentrations of the acetones extract of Laggera aurita ranging between 0.03125% and 0.5% showed less egg laying by female mosquitoes in treated bioassay than untreated control indicating oviposition detterent activity. Percent repellency obtained against An. stephensi was 100% up to 1 hour at the 10% concentration of the extract, while in case of 2.5% DEET solution it was 100% repellency up to 6 hours with respect to untreated control. These observations show that the Laggera aurita extract possesses repellent and oviposition deterrent activities against mosquito vectors and may be exploited for commercial development as a mosquito repellent for the protection against mosquito bites.
Keywords: Laggera aurita, Repellency, Oviposition deterrent, Anophelese stephensi
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