A simple, highly sensitive, accurate and selective method for determination of trace amounts of Ni2+in water
samples .In this paper, chitosan grafted with graphene oxide sheets showed an increased surface area was used to encapsulate nano-Fe3O4 and produce a nano-Fe3O4-encapsulated-chitosan/graphene oxide sorbent based new sorbent was prepared. Flame atomic absorption spectrometer was utilized for determination of Ni2+.Some of the important parameters on the preconcentration and complex formation was selected and optimized. Under the optimized conditions the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ)were 0.30,0.750 and the proposedmethodhas a good reproducibility 0.90% (RSD %).The enrichment factor was 200 and the percentage of recovery was in the range of 95-100% .The method was successfully applied to the recovery of Ni2+in different type of water samples. Graphene oxide and its derivates such as magnetic nano-Fe3O4-encapsulated-chitosan/graphene oxide in this studyis full of potential to use as an excellent adsorbent in the extraction method like solid phase extraction(SPE) and solid phase micro extraction(SPME).In the present study, we report the application of preconcentration techniques still continues increasingly for trace metal determinations by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) for quantification of Ni2+ in Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues from Liver loggerhead turtles. This method exhibits the superiority in compared to the other adsorption reagents because of the fact that there is no necessity of any complexing reagent and optimum pH of solution presents in acidic media.
Keywords: nano-Fe3O4-encapsulated-chitosan/graphene oxide, preconcentration; SPE; Preconcentration; FAAS; Nickle; Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) ; tissues from Liver loggerhead turtles.
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