This study aims to assess the impact of prolonged running on the endurance and attention indicators of children aged 9-10 years in physical education classes at school. The pedagogical experiment was conducted for 4 months based on the secondary general educational school 60 (Kirov, Russia), 120 schoolchildren from the third grade took part in it. 34 physical education lessons were held in each class. Schoolchildren from the control group were engaged in a standard physical education program for younger schoolchildren. The children from the experimental group also worked within the framework of the usual program, but during each lesson, they performed a long run of 6 minutes. Overall endurance was assessed using the K Cooper (6 minutes) test and the attention of schoolchildren was assessed by the "Schulte Tables" test. Both tests were performed before and after the pedagogical experiment.
Before the study, there were no significant differences between classes in both tests (p > 0.05). After the end of the study, the performance of children in the control group improved in the endurance test by 6.8% and 7.2% (p > 0.05), and in the experimental group improved by 24.9% and 18.9% (p < 0.05). In the attention test, the indicators of the control group increased by 10.1% and 8.6% (p > 0.05), and in the experimental group by 25.2% and 31.2% (p < 0.05). Long-running can be introduced into the physical education program at school to improve the endurance and attention of schoolchildren aged 9-10 years.
The problem of human health, and in particular, the student is relevant and in demand, and the activities for its preservation, conservation, and development are in the field of view of scientists of various scientific fields [1-3].
The priority of preserving and developing human health at school age is determined by the relevance of this problem:
One of the main problems of health and physical development of younger schoolchildren is physical inactivity, which means "inactivity" in Latin. This concept implies a restriction of motor activity resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. Today, physical inactivity is considered a social disease, along with addiction to gadgets, computer games, etc. This problem has not been spared by children's age. Younger students sit a lot and for a long time. At school for at least 4 hours or more, and then at home for the same amount (children do their homework, play computer games, watch TV, etc.). Younger schoolchildren are less likely to attend music, language, art schools, and very rarely sports. Low level of physical education and sports [6-8]. Without work, the muscles weaken, and then atrophy. Strength and endurance decrease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, depression, and other disorders of the nervous system appear academic performance decreases, and metabolism is disrupted [9]. Inactivity also leads to functional changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as the muscles that help the movement of blood through the vessels do not work. Lack of blood flow to the brain, and poor outflow through the vessels of the neck lead to changes in intracranial pressure. This causes headaches, fatigue, and fatigue, there may be complaints of palpitations, and shortness of breath during physical exertion. Respiratory and digestive disorders occur, and the joints and spine suffer. A prolonged stay in a monotonous position at the table at school and home, or an uncomfortable lying position with a gadget in your hands, can cause a violation of posture, stooping, or spinal deformity. Immunity decreases, vision decreases, overweight, and obesity appears. As a result, blood pressure rises, and diabetes mellitus, and heart, and kidney diseases appear [10, 11].
The leading means to overcome such a disease as physical inactivity is the performance of physical exercises of different natures and different orientations. Of course, at this age, it is quite difficult for a child to force himself to perform a certain set of exercises or follow the rules of certain techniques. The solution to this problem is a physical education lesson at school. The main purpose of physical education lessons is the development of motor activity and various physical qualities in children, teaching schoolchildren the basics of a healthy lifestyle, as well as introducing students to independent sports and physical exercises. Physical education at school forms a system of value orientations of a person to a healthy lifestyle and provides motivational, functional, and motor readiness for it. It is carried out by the general and specific laws, principles, and rules of the pedagogical process [12-14]. The improvement of the physique and the harmonious development of human physiological functions are solved based on comprehensive education of physical qualities and motor abilities, which ultimately leads to a naturally normal, undistorted formation of bodily forms. This task provides for the education of correct posture, proportional development of muscle mass, all parts of the body, assistance in maintaining optimal weight through physical exercises, and ensuring bodily beauty [15-17].
The education of physical qualities at school age is provided by the selection of physical exercises and the methodology of the lesson. The most important requirements for the methodology of the development of physical qualities during the age formation of the organism are the comprehensiveness of the impact, the proportionality of the loads and the functionality of the capabilities of the growing organism, the correspondence of the influencing factors with the peculiarities of the stages of age development [18, 19]. Recent studies have shown that only 50% of elementary school students are completely healthy. By the sixth grade, the number of healthy schoolchildren is halved, and by the eleventh grade, only 5% of schoolchildren can boast of having no health problems. The authors are sure that such a catastrophic decline in the indicators of healthy children is directly related to the lack of sports in children's lives. Moreover, to change the situation, it is necessary, at least, to pay special attention to physical education lessons at school [20, 21].
One of the basic physical qualities that need to be developed throughout life is general endurance. General endurance (aerobic capacity) is the ability of the body to perform various activities for a long time and resist fatigue. The effectiveness of the body's activity is reduced by two main factors – physical and nervous fatigue. There are two types of endurance: emotional and physical. The first one allows a person to calmly, serenely, and calmly endure severe debilitating emotional conditions, the physical one helps the body spend less energy by performing certain actions and quickly regenerate its reserves. In addition, endurance directly depends on the level of metabolic processes, on the degree of development of the cardiovascular, nervous, and respiratory systems, as well as on the coordination of the activities of various organs and systems [22-24].
General endurance is characterized by the health of all human organs. The best means for acquiring general endurance is long-term training work of a cyclical nature (running, swimming) with relatively low intensity. At first, it is best to stick to a uniform pace of exercise, since changing it during work will not allow you to perform it for a long time. General endurance, determining the overall performance of the athlete and the level of his health, at the same time, serves as the basis for the development of special endurance. The higher the level of general endurance, the better you can develop special endurance. It is known that a high level of endurance development in childhood provides more effective improvement of other motor abilities, contributes to the improvement of plastic and trophic functions of the body, normalizes the activity of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and improves the functioning of the central nervous system. At the same time, the practice of physical education of schoolchildren indicates that the overall dynamics of endurance of children and adolescents in recent years has not only not improved, but also tends to decrease [25-27].
General endurance is sensitive to training influences and is a person's ability to perform long-term and effective work of a non-specific nature. Much attention is paid to the issue of sensitive periods of development of various physical qualities. Exposure to certain physical qualities during such a period has a significant effect on the development of this ability. As for the overall endurance, the author's opinion is not significant here, but they differ. For example, most authors believe that the first peak for the development of endurance is the age of 9-10 years in both boys and girls. However, after the age of 13, this period is different, in boys, the sensitive period for the development of aerobic capabilities is the age from 15 to 17 years, and in girls, it is from 13 to 15 years. Thus, it is important not to miss the first sensitive period for the development of general endurance for both boys and girls, aerobic abilities should be purposefully developed at the age of 9-10, which corresponds to the 3rd grade of education in a comprehensive school [28, 29].
The process of regular purposeful physical education or sports training involves the education and development of not only certain skills, abilities, and physical qualities, but also mental processes, traits, and properties of a person's personality. A person engaged in physical culture develops the ability to show the stability of attention, perception, memory, concentration, and switching in conditions of time deficit, mental fatigue, nervous and emotional tension, and stress. Physical culture is used to optimize performance and prevent neuropsychiatric and psychophysical fatigue. Physical education classes have a direct impact on the development of the intellectual qualities of students. In the course of classes, motor cognitive situations continuously arise, the solution of which requires significant mental stress. A simple solution to a motor problem: how to move correctly, quickly, and accurately, how to correct a mistake – is a chain of mental operations, including observation, generalization, and decision-making. According to the authors, physical exercises not only increase the functional capabilities of the body, and the level of physical fitness of a person but also help in the development of mental personality traits [30, 31].
The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the integration of prolonged running into the process of physical education at school in children aged 9-10 years will have a positive impact on the level of endurance development and a positive impact on the attention indicators of schoolchildren. Thus, we assumed that comparing between groups and adding long-running to the regular physical education program at school for children aged 9-10 years would further improve their physical and mental development.
The study aims to assess the impact of prolonged running on the endurance and attention indicators of children aged 9-10 years in physical education classes at school.
Study participants
The present study involved children from the third grade of secondary school number sixty in the city of Kirov, Russian Federation. These are boys and girls aged 9-10 years. Before the start of the study, the students underwent a medical examination and were admitted to physical education classes at school, and informed consent to conduct a pedagogical experiment was obtained from each parent.
The exclusion criteria were unhealthy children with health abnormalities, and contraindications to optimal physical activity (problems with obesity, hypertension, joint problems, and other chronic diseases). These are mostly children of a special medical group. All children were differentiated into control and experimental groups (Table 1).
Table 1. Study participants.
Participants |
Control group |
Experimental group |
Class |
3 «A» |
3 «B» |
3 «C» |
3 «D» |
Total children in the class |
33 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
Children who have received a doctor's admission and informed consent from their parents to conduct the study |
30 |
30 |
30 |
30 |
One can see from Table 1 that some children did not participate in the study for health reasons or their parents did not consent to their participation in the pedagogical study. At the same time, students could refuse to participate in the study at any time. Thus, a total of 120 schoolchildren took part in the pedagogical experiment. It should be noted that all procedures were carried out per the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1964 and approved by the special Ethics Committee of the University.
Research procedure
The pedagogical experiment was conducted based on the general educational school 60 in the city of Kirov in Russia from January 10 to May 10, 2023. According to the school curriculum, physical education classes were held 2 times a week for 40 minutes in each class. During the study period, 34 physical education lessons were conducted in each class. All lessons were held according to the school schedule at the same time.
Children from the control group were engaged in the usual physical education program at school [32].
The purpose of school physical education is the formation of a versatile physically developed person who can actively use the values of physical culture to strengthen and maintain their health for a long time, optimize work activities, and organize active recreation. The realization of the purpose of the curriculum correlates with the solution of the following educational tasks:
The children from the Experimental group were engaged in the same program, additionally, at the end of the main part of the lesson they performed a "Long run".
The structure of classes was the same, however, in the Experimental group the density of classes was higher, and classes were optimized. An example of such an activity is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Example of a physical education lesson in the 3rd grade.
Parts of the lesson |
Lesson content |
Time spent on the task (minutes) |
Control group |
Experimental group |
The preparatory part of the lesson |
Building students and declaring lesson tasks |
2’ |
2’ |
Drill exercises and walking |
3’ |
2’ |
The main part of the lesson |
Regular running and special running exercises |
4’ |
3’ |
A complex of general developing physical exercises, gymnastics, jumping rope |
6’ |
5’ |
Learning the long jump from a place with a push with two legs and trying out the exercise |
10’ |
9’ |
Mobile game "Calling numbers" |
10’ |
9’ |
Long-running |
0’ |
6’ |
The final part of the lesson |
Hitch |
3’ |
2’ |
Building and summarizing the lesson |
2’ |
2’ |
Total time |
40’ |
40’ |
Table 2 shows that the children from the Experimental Group performed all the same tasks as the children from the Control group, but slightly less in time, which allowed us to allocate part of the total duration of the lesson (40 minutes) of the time in the lesson to perform a "Long run" (6 minutes) at the end of the main part of the lesson.
Several important points should be noted:
Control tests
All students who took part in the study at the beginning and the end of the pedagogical experiment passed 2 control tests:
Test for the development of attention of schoolchildren "Schulte Tables":
On the A4 sheet in front of the students, there is a table with numbers scattered in a different order from 1 to 25. It is necessary to look at the center of the table to cover the entire table with a glance, and as quickly as possible cross out the numbers in ascending order from 1 to 25. The task execution time is 40 seconds. The result – the more numbers the student managed to cross out, the higher his result.
Statistical processing of research results
All the students' results were entered into an Excel spreadsheet.
The average values in the groups and the standard deviation of the indicators are determined.
In addition to the Excel program, a special program Biostatistica-2022 was used, which determined the Student's T-test indicators.
The level of statistical significance was established at p < 0.05.
It should be noted that before the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, there were no statistically significant (reliable) differences between the studied indicators between all classes in both tests. After the end of the study, the results in each class changed differently (Table 3).
Table 3. Results of indicators of schoolchildren aged 9-10 in the Cooper test (6 minutes).
Group |
Class |
Before |
After |
% |
p |
Control |
3 «A» |
1088 ± 41 |
1162 ± 37 |
6.8 |
> 0.05 |
3 «B» |
1114 ± 43 |
1194 ± 28 |
7.2 |
> 0.05 |
Experimental |
3 «C» |
1018 ± 32 |
1271 ± 35 |
24.9 |
< 0.05 |
3 «D» |
1104 ± 37 |
1312 ± 33 |
18.9 |
< 0.05 |
Table 3 shows that the indicators in the K. Cooper test improved in all classes. However, in the Control group, the improvement in indicators was statistically insignificant. Schoolchildren from the 3rd "A" class improved their performance by 6.8% (p > 0.05), and children from the 3rd "B" class were able to improve their performance by 7.2% (p > 0.05). Such results may indicate the effectiveness of the usual physical education work program at school. At the same time, in the Experimental Group, where the children performed a "Long Run", the indicators significantly improved. Schoolchildren from the 3rd "C" class improved their performance by 24.9% (p < 0.05), and children from the 3rd "D" class exceeded the initial data by 18.9% (p < 0.05). Such results may indicate the effectiveness of using Prolonged running in physical education classes at school for the development of endurance in schoolchildren 9-10 years old.
After the K. Cooper test, all students took a test that determined the level of attention development. The test results at the beginning and the end of the study are presented in Table 4.
Table 4. The results of the indicators of schoolchildren aged 9-10 years in the "Schulte Tables" test.
Group |
Class |
Before |
After |
% |
p |
Control |
3 «A» |
14.2 ± 1.4 |
15.7 ± 1.3 |
10.1 |
> 0.05 |
3 «B» |
13.9 ± 1.7 |
15.1 ± 1.5 |
8.6 |
> 0.05 |
Experimental |
3 «C» |
14.3 ± 1.6 |
17.9 ± 0.9 |
25.2 |
< 0.05 |
3 «D» |
13.8 ± 1.5 |
18.1 ± 1.1 |
31.2 |
< 0.05 |
Table 4 shows that the indicators in all classes also improved, but the improvement in each class was not the same. The positive dynamics can be explained by the natural increase in attention indicators in this age period. However, if we compare the indicators of children from the control and experimental groups, it can be assumed that prolonged running has a positive effect on the development of attention since the initial data improved by 25.2% in the 3rd «C» class and by 31.2% in the 3rd «D» class. In both classes, the improvements were statistically significant. At the same time, in the Control group in the 3rd «A» class, the data improved by 10.1%, and in the 3rd «B» class only by 8.6%.
If we are talking about the health of school-age children, then everyone pays close attention to physical education at school. Since it is physical education lessons that carry a huge value and a variety of physical, psychological, intellectual, and other skills and abilities. The school curriculum reflects a complex of important motor skills and qualities. One of the important physical qualities is the overall endurance of the student. It serves as a foundation for the healthy development of the student and an impulse for the formation of other physical qualities [14, 16, 21].
A review of the literature has shown that a sensitive (favorable) period is important for the development of certain physical qualities. For example, the authors note that the first favorable period for the development of general endurance is the age of 9-10 years for both boys and girls. It is important at this age to start regularly and purposefully developing the aerobic abilities of schoolchildren [28, 29]. The results of this study confirm the authors' opinion that the age of 9-10 years is sensitive for the development of general endurance since from the beginning to the end of the pedagogical experiment, endurance indicators improved in all classes.
The results of the study showed the effectiveness of the introduction of long-running in the process of physical education of children 9-10 years old. The data that the students showed at the beginning and the end of the study in the endurance test can be compared with the grades of the school curriculum (Table 5) [32].
Table 5. Cooper's test at school (The standard for 3rd grade).
Evaluation |
Distance (meters) |
«5» |
1200 м |
«4» |
1100 м |
«3» |
1000 м |
If we consider the indicators of children from the control group in grade 3 "A", then before the study their average group level corresponded to the assessment of "3", and after the study – "4". In the 3rd "B" class, the children's indicators at the beginning of the experiment corresponded to the assessment of "4", and after the end of the study, the average group indicator was 1,194 m, which separated the students from the assessment of "5" by only 6 meters. At the same time, in a fairly short period of pedagogical research, children were able to improve endurance indicators in both classes (6.8% and 7.2%) by studying according to the standard physical education program.
It should be noted that the duration and content of lessons in all classes were the same and corresponded to the standard physical education program at school [32]. However, in the experimental group, the children managed to perform a six-minute run in the process by optimizing the lesson.
In the experimental group, students from the 3rd "C" class at the beginning of the study, the indicators corresponded to the assessment of "3", and after pedagogical influence, and the average indicator in the group was 1271 meters, which corresponds to the assessment of "5". In the 3rd «D» class, at the beginning of the experiment, the indicators corresponded to the rating of "4", and after the study – "5". Thus, over 4 months of targeted impact on the development of endurance of schoolchildren aged 9-10, the increase in indicators turned out to be quite significant in both classes (24.9% and 18.9%). Thus, the use of Prolonged running (6 minutes) in physical education classes at school as an additional means to the standard school curriculum is reliably effective for the development of general endurance of children aged 9-10 years (p < 0.05).
As for the psychodiagnostic of children aged 9-10 years, from the beginning to the end of the study, no deterioration in attention indicators was recorded in all classes. The well-known psychodiagnostic test "Schulte Tables" has been repeatedly positively evaluated over time for its validity and reliability. Table 6 shows the standards that show the level of attention development of schoolchildren aged 9-10 years [34].
Table 6. Standards of attention indicators for schoolchildren aged 9-10 years on the "Schulte Tables" test.
Number of digits |
Result |
1-5 |
Very low level of attention development |
6-10 |
Low level of attention development |
11-15 |
An average level of attention development |
16-20 |
High level of attention development |
21-25 |
Very high level of attention development |
Before the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, the average group attention indicators of children in all classes were at the "average" level. After the end of the study, the data in all classes improved to a "high" level of attention development. In the Control group, this is 10.1% and 8.6%.
Such results may indicate that physical culture and physical exercises have a positive effect on some mental processes. This assumption is confirmed by the studies of many authors who have determined the positive dynamics of mental processes under the influence of the physical activity of schoolchildren [30, 31, 35, 36].
Also, the literature often cites studies that reflect the relationship between physical activity and the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren. The authors emphasize that physical activity has a positive effect on cognitive processes [37-40] and even the creative abilities of students [41]. The increase in attention indicators in the Experimental Group was 25.2% and 31.2%, it turned out to be significant and reliable (p < 0.05). This allows us to assume that prolonged running had a qualitative, reliable, and positive impact on the development of attention of schoolchildren aged 9-10 years.
Thus, the results that were obtained after the end of the pedagogical experiment allow us to say that the scientific hypothesis was solved, and the purpose of the study was achieved.
Likely, the time of 6 minutes for the development of endurance in physical education classes at school was optimal. If more time had been allocated to running for a long time, then schoolchildren would have become very tired physically and mentally, and also would not have had time to complete the school physical education program, perhaps they would have lost interest in physical exercises. A lower load also does not give efficiency, since endurance is an activity carried out for a long time and the body's ability to resist fatigue [22, 23, 27]. However, future research may focus on the dosage of Prolonged Running.
Of course, the design of this study could be improved. Perhaps the effect of prolonged running on the endurance and attention of schoolchildren would be greater if schoolchildren were engaged in additional activities, for example, 3 times a week. Such a hypothesis requires additional research and possible adjustments to the standard physical education program at school. Also in the future, you can study the effect of endurance on other physical qualities, such as strength, speed, agility, and others. Also, in the future, it is possible to study the effect of endurance (aerobic abilities) on some mental, cognitive, and maybe creative abilities of schoolchildren.
If physical education lessons at school, a long run for 6 minutes is performed at the end of the main part of the lesson, then the endurance indicators of schoolchildren aged 9-10 years will significantly improve. Similarly, mental processes in younger schoolchildren, such as attention, will also improve significantly. This pedagogical study is an example of how a simple physical exercise "Long-running" can be useful for the development of aerobic abilities and mental processes of younger schoolchildren.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author thanks all participants of the study.
ETHICS STATEMENT: All procedures met the ethical standards of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from all parents of the children included in the study.