Background: The agricultural sector has a significant role in the Indonesian economy as a source of revenue for the country, promoting economic growth and employment, as well as providing the raw materials for industry, particularly the food and beverage processing industries. Horticulture (including onions) is included in the food crops subsector, which also contributes to the national GDP. (Abbreviations: DEA: Data Envelopment Analysis; GDP: Gross Domestic Product; NPK: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium; ZA: Ammonium Sulphate; SP-36: Super Phosphate )
Purpose: This study was aimed to measure the technical efficiency of onion farming in the District of Anggeraja, Enrekang, Indonesia.
Method: The samples consisted of 75 onion farmers who were chosen through random sampling. The model used to analyze technical efficiency was developed by Khumbakar.
Result: The analysis showed that the average value of technical efficiency in onion farming is already quite high.
Conclusion: Improved education, training in more advanced technologies, and improvements in the managerial capabilities of farmers who are associated with farm management are efforts that can increase the productivity of onion farming.
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