Creative Commons License 2019 Volume 6 Issue 1

A Review of Medicinal Herbs in the Lamiaceae Family Used to Treat Arterial Hypertension

Massumeh Niazi, Fatemeh Yari, Amir Shakarami

Today, high blood pressure (arterial hypertension) is one of the most common cardiovascular diseases all over the world, particularly in developing countries. The Lamiaceae family is considered as one of the most important herbal families that have many plants with various pharmacological and therapeutic use around the world. This study aims to review medicinal herbs in the Lamiaceae family used to treat hypertension around the world. The obtained results of the present review investigation demonstrated that 26 medicinal herbs were traditionally used to treat hypertension around the world. The most important parts of these plants are leaves, roots, and flowers, respectively; whereas these medicinal herbs are most commonly used in Asian and African countries such as Iran, Pakistan, India, South Africa, etc. The results demonstrated that medicinal herbs in Lamiaceae family have universally used to treat hypertension. Thus, we can consider them as alternative agents for treatment of hypertension; nevertheless, more investigations are mandatory to elucidate the precise anti-hypertensive mechanisms and also toxicity of these plants in human subjects.


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