Creative Commons License 2015 Volume 2 Issue 4

Environmental group Necrophilous and Necrobionts Beetles (Insecta; Coleoptera) of the south of the Russia

Sergey Viktorovich Pushkin

The complex necrobionts and necrophilous beetles of the south of the Russia is described ecologically. The specific composition of groups is circumscribed. The legitimacies of creation necrobionts of the complex from a type of a landscape and taxonomic of an accessory of a corpse are detected. Studying of regional features of formation necrobionts and necrophilous complexes has, both scientific, and practical interest. Throughout 21 years we studied fauna and ecological features necrobionts Coleoptera mountain landscapes of North Caucasus and adjoining areas of the south of the Russia.

Key Words: Necrobiont communities, Coleoptera, the south of Russia necrobiont and necrophilous fauna.


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Entomology and Applied Science Letters is an international double-blind peer reviewed publication which publishes scientific research & review articles related to insects that contain information of interest to a wider audience, e.g. papers bearing on the theoretical, genetic, agricultural, medical and biodiversity issues. Emphasis is also placed on the selection of comprehensive, revisionary or integrated systematics studies of broader biological or zoogeographical relevance. In addition to full-length research articles and reviews, the journal publishes interpretive articles in a Forum section, Short Communications, and Letters to the Editor. The journal publishes reports on all phases of medical entomology and medical acarology, including the systematics and biology of insects, acarines, and other arthropods of public health and veterinary significance.

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Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IPS) , University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore Pakistan.
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Entomology and Applied Science Letters supports the submission of entomological papers that contain information of interest to a wider reader groups e. g. papers bearing on taxonomy, phylogeny, biodiversity, ecology, systematic, agriculture, morphology. The selection of comprehensive, revisionary or integrated systematics studies of broader biological or zoogeographical relevance is also important. Distinguished entomologists drawn from different parts of the world serve as honorary members of the Editorial Board. The journal encompasses all the varied aspects of entomological research.