The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a serious pest on pomegranate in Turkey. The objective of this study was to determine of the population density and damage ratios of the medfly on pomegranate in Antakya district of Hatay province of Turkey. The eostrap® invaginada traps baited with % 95 Trimedlure impregnated in a polymeric plug-type dispenser were used. After two years of the study, the medfly was recorded in ten sampled sites. The population density of this pest varied over the sampling periods. The largest percentages of total catches per traps were recorded in November (53.68) and October (44.2) in 2012, and November (73.6) and October (22.2) in 2014. In addition, the highest mean catches per traps were recorded in November and October, while the lowest mean catches per traps were recorded in August, September and December in both years. In the first year, the largest percentages of damage ratios were recorded at orchard II (14), followed by orchard VI (12), orchard I (11), orchard IV (9), orchard III (7), orchard V (7). In the second year, the highest percentages of damage ratios were recorded at orchard IV (25), followed by orchard III (22), orchard II (15) and orchard I (12). In conclusion, the population density of medfly on pomegranate increased in October and November due to ripening and harvesting time of fruits. The medfly caused significantly more damage on Katıbaşı pomegranate than Hicaz pomegranate in Hatay province of Turkey.
Key words: Medfly, trimedlure, traps, pomegranate, Turkey.
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