The effectiveness of the blue-green alga Spirulina platensis use, separately and along with dispersed peat, during its introduction into the diet of the calves of Holstein breed, is considered in the article. The animals of the 1st and 2nd experimental groups received 10 mg and 15 mg of dry matter (DM) of the defrosted biomass of Spirulina platensis per 1 kg of calves’ live weight 1 time per day for 60 days. The young animals of the 3rd experimental group received 15 mg of dry matter of the defrosted biomass of Spirulina platensis per 1 kg of live weight together with 50 ml of the aqueous suspension of dispersed peat 1 time per day. It was found that the studied non-traditional additives not only had a stimulating effect on the growth of young cattle, increasing the average daily and absolute increments in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd experimental groups of calves at the age of 4 months by 4.57 - 6.79 - 10.94 % in comparison with the control group, but also provided a prolonging effect on the growth of calves in the period from the 2nd to the 6th month by 4.69 - 8.41 - 16.10 %, respectively. Feeding calves using Spirulina platensis separately and in combination with the sorbent contributed to a better digestion of the nutrients of the feed in comparison with the control group. The studied hematological parameters in all groups of experimental animals were within physiological boundaries. The content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, total protein, albumin fraction and glucose in the blood of calves from experimental groups exceeded the level of the same studied parameters of the control group both in 4 and 6 months of age. In comparison with the control group (16.84 %), the level of production profitability was higher in the 1st and 2nd experimental groups by 1.67 % and 3.61 %, respectively, in the 3rd group the profitability level was higher than in the control group by 7.99 %.
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